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Act on a player with a high risk of churn!

Real-Time "Player-level" Churn Prediction

Available with our SDK - works with live games

Every time a player starts a session, makes a Prediction: is the player at risk of churning?
We define churners as those who are consistently inactive for over 7 days (you can chose another number).
If the risk is “high”, you can take some actions to reduce this risk: give a bonus, a reward to collect after a certain amount of time, etc…
(here is a useful LinkedIn article written with Oxana Fomina on which actions you can take).

Check the churn efficiency before integration our SDK!

You can send us a “sessions file” (one per game), and we can create OFF-LINE a Churn model + Efficiency matrix fro your game. So you can check the Churn Prediction Efficiency Matrix for a game, before integrating our SDK!

And if you like the results, you integrate our SDK, and the Churn Prediction will start right away with this model (no need to wait 1 month of data collection)

The pricing for this feature is based on the DAU of your game on
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